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Friday, December 21, 2012

FAVORITE LPs of 2012

Here are my 30 favorite LPs from 2012...the ones that pretty much soundtracked my year...the ones that I'd recommend...the ones that I had a chance to listen to. They are in a general order of higher preference the lower you go down the list. I'll see you in 2013. Have a safe holiday celebration wherever you are. 

Remember, you can continue enjoying the radio stream straight from this webpage, via iTunes RadioShoutcast, TuneIn Radio, or the new CHROMEWAVES RADIO app for your iPhone.

Check out the list after the jump!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Favorite Songs of 2012

Here's another year-end list for you to endure.  This past year has been yet another great one for music seeing plenty of new artists surfacing to greater recognition, and some of the more established artists held strong in maintaining their quality, creative output.  Here are 30 of my favorite songs of 2012 in a general order of higher preference the lower you go down the list. The whole playlist can be streamed (and downloaded) at my page, 8tracks, or the always reliable Spotify

Picks after the jump.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


A playlist of highlights featured over the past three months on  Stream and download the playlist from the media player above, and it's also available over at the CHROMEWAVES RADIO 8tracks and Spotify profile (that's if Spotify will even work because it's quite literally a piece of crap application).  

Playlist after the jump.

Monday, December 17, 2012

ALONE by The Stevens

The Stevens are yet another fine band to come out of Melbourne, Australia. From what I can tell their jangly, rickety melodies haven't quite reached out beyond their continent much yet, but their instant appeal leads me to believe that their strumming pop tunes deserve to be heard everywhere. The four-piece have a six-track EP to their credit that they're

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

GENERATOR by Gap Dream

Gap Dream's self-titled debut album was released earlier this year from Burger Records (buy) and definitely deserved a post on CWR, but hey you can't always get to everything that you want to, right? Besides, there's this follow-up 7" that is equally as enticing as the one man band's full-length...but seriously if you haven't heard it yet get over to Bandcamp right now. The man responsible is Gabriel Fulvimar out of Cleveland, but as

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

PONYTAIL by Chastity Belt

Chastity Belt are four seemingly rad chicks that come out of Walla Walla, Washington and now find themselves in Seattle. Fortunately, I was hit with their music over at the fine Seattle-based music blog The Finest Kiss. These girls know how to do things simply, effectively, and they definitely know how to not take their shit too seriously. Chastity Belt's first release, Fuck Chastity Belt, was released in May of this year and

Monday, December 10, 2012

SECONDS AWAY by Las Robertas

Costa Rican trio Las Robertas have been fairly quiet since releasing their debut LP, Cry Out Loud, two years ago.  The band has switched its drummer and are adding some punch to their sound and production with the release of their new Dissected Affair 7" from Art Fag Recordings. While some may have dismissed their original output as being formulaic or just

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

[on repeat] UNKNOWN PLEASURES by The UV Race

The UV Race is a proto/garage punk band from Melbourne, Australia that includes members of Dick Diver, Straight Jacket Nation, and School of Radiant Living. They've  always been an industrious bunch pushing the limits of what you'd typically expect to come out of a band in the post-punk/garage genre. The band is releasing its third LP,

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

ALL GONE by Pop Singles

Melbourne, Australia's Pop Singles' music harks back to the jangly melancholic post punk period of the early 80's and bands like The Smiths and Go-Betweens when it seemed wonderfully miserable to be a teenager. The trio utilize a familiar dark, yet buoyant quality to their pure guitar pop with lyrics of hopelessness, loss, and not knowing what to

Monday, December 3, 2012

FUZZ by Mil Mascaras

HoZac Records has a new batch of releases that is expected to be shipping soon (very soon), and it includes this scuzzy gem of a 7" debut EP from Mil Mascaras out of Strasbourg, France. The band is no longer together and their output until now has been limited to a split 7" with other French band The Normals in the mid 2000s, but HoZac has craftily put together