I Dream
Vancouver B.C.
Listening to Portland trio Orca Team makes you want to go to a drive-in theater or a high school dance after a day at the beach in the 60's. They self-released their impressive debut LP, Let It Go, last year and have followed it up with more jangly, rusty surf-pop inspired tunes on the digital/cassette
release, Kissing Cousins (buy), on July 29 from the strange and very DIY Gorgonzola Records (GGNZLA), which seems to focus on cassettes, limited screenprints, and also sells soda. Take a listen to the lead track off the new release as well as a personal favorite from last year's LP. If you're looking for the first LP, the only place I can find it available is one track at a time at the band's Bandcamp. You can also stream the entire new release below.
[Official | Facebook | GGNZLA]
RIYL: The Flamingos, The Slits, Spectrals, Intelligence, Girls Names
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