With another year about to close, these are the albums that will be most tied to my memories of 2011. They are not necessarily in any order other than there's a clear preference as you go further down the list...and, check out a playlist of some of my favorite songs of the year over at Spotify (or download). I'll post the Fall 2011 mix next week, but other than that I'm signing out until January. While I'm gone, you can continue enjoying the radio stream straight from this webpage, via iTunes Radio, Shoutcast, or take it with you on a smartphone app (TuneIn recommended). Enjoy your holiday.
Picks after the jump.
Picks after the jump.
Unknown Mortal Orchestra
Jello And Juggernauts
Elephants At The Door
Don't Trip
Too Many Friends
Jacuzzi Boys
No Future
Wax Idols
Sand In My Joints (Wire cover)